
Vietnam Veterans Annual Picnic
Christi Whiting Editor (Photo Provided) This year’s picnic is planned for August 26 at noon at Bennett Park in Charlotte. All Vietnam vets and their spouses are invited and should bring a dish to pass. Whistlepig BBQ in Charlotte will be furnishing pulled pork...

Eaton Conservation District Annual Meeting Celebrates Awardees
Submitted by Eaton Conservation District (Photo Provided) Eaton Conservation District (ECD) held their annual meeting on June 27 at Miller Farm, Eaton Rapids, for an ice cream social to celebrate their dedicated partners, supporters and volunteers. At the...

Rives Quality Meats approaching 50 years of service
Christine Terpening Contributing Writer (Photo by Christine Terpening - Tom Hosler, his daughter Shelly Smith and his son-in-law Rob Smith) These days quality and a bargain don’t always go hand in hand, but that’s not the case at Rives Quality Meats in Rives...

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week
Submitted by Douglas R. Lloyd, Eaton County Prosecuting Attorney (Photo Provided) National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is April 23 to April 29, 2023. This annual observance provides the opportunity to raise awareness and underscore the importance of helping...
Shop Local – Culligan Water Conditioning
Deb Malewski Contributing Writer Almost 60 years ago Philip and Phyllis Carey started a Culligan Water franchise in south Lansing. They’ve both passed now, but the business is still in family hands. Matt Carey, their son, has been part of the business since 1980 and...