Robin Platt
Contributing Writer

(Photo provided)

If you travel M-99 near Dimondale, you have most assuredly seen progress on a new building on the west side of the road. If you are anything like me; waiting somewhat impatiently for some announcement of what is coming. Well my friends, wait no more, I found out what the scoop is! As the sign reads, Canines for Change, coming soon! Even though there have been some delays, they are planning on opening by the end of the year.

For those of you that are wondering what that is, Canines for Change has been a non-profit organization for nearly 20 years and during that time, they have provided highly trained service dogs to veterans. They also provide trained dogs to children and adults with disabilities. Founder, Nikki Brown says that “their mission is to empower people to achieve active and independent lifestyles.” The non-profit also educates the community on the benefits of service dogs through their outreach programs.

With the opening of this new facility being pushed back for another few weeks, an immediate need arose for Puppy Raisers. Puppy Raisers are everyday community members that offer their love, and homes to help potty train and care for the puppies that are not quite old enough to train full time. As a puppy raiser, you will be provided with all the necessary items like food and shots, and you will have full support of trainers that will help you along the way! There are many other volunteering opportunities like walking the dogs, playing with puppies, office help and gardening.

If you are interested in becoming a puppy raiser or volunteering for any of the other opportunities, you may fill out an application on the website. You can also find more information on how to donate and other programs Canines for Change offer on their website at