Normally I am thoroughly unimpressed when my children manage to cover themselves in filth from head to toe. There is the rare occasion, though, when I encourage it — maybe even help.
My family has participated in two different, yet very similar 5K events involving getting doused in color — Color Me Rad and The Color Run. Though run by separate organizations, they each had the same thing in common, tons upon tons of colored powder. It couldn’t have been more fun.
That is why I’m extremely excited to see a similar event come to my hometown. The Eaton County United Way will host the Colors United 5K color run on Saturday, June 20, the morning of Celebrate Charlotte and Relay for Life. These kinds of events, while messy, bring families together in a fun way to enjoy a healthy activity.
Throughout the course, color stations are set up where volunteers coat willing participants with colored cornstarch. In the two events I’ve participated in, there have been at least four different colors throughout the course of several color stations.
The 5K isn’t necessarily about finishing with a great time. It’s more of a challenge to see just how much you can cover yourself in color. I would recommend wearing clothes you don’t mind getting messy, though the color has always come out of my clothes. Better safe than sorry.
As a family, we’ve always purchased all white t-shirts and tank tops to wear. A lot of people wear costumes, tutus and funky socks. Everything from the color to the clothing screams fun for everyone.
Early registration for the Eaton County United Way Colors United 5K is underway and lasts until May 22. Visit to register. According the ECUW director, Joni Risner, the funds raised will support programs in our community that focus on improving education, financial stability and health.
I hope you’ll join me and my family in the fun. It’s a great way to kick off festivities for what will be a fun-filled Saturday in Charlotte. Downtown will be filled with children’s activities, music, great food and good people. Make sure you also find time to visit Charlotte High School and support the Relay for Life, which takes place form 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
So much to do, right here in Charlotte.
Everyone unite in color