Kelsey Klont
Contributing Writer

(Photo Provided – An inspiring auto biography by Shannon Klann is available now.)

Many people may not know Shannon Klann, but one look at her new book and you will definitely be captivated by her awe-inspiring journey. Shannon lives in Charlotte with her three children and husband. She has a neuromuscular disease which was triggered by trauma from an accident, leaving her in a wheelchair. For all of her adult life Shannon has lived life in her wheelchair, including motherhood. She has recently released a new book, “Make it Work: Moms on Wheels” which tells her story of navigating motherhood from a wheelchair.

Shannon thought about writing this book 20 years ago. To start this endeavor she created a blog, “Moms on Wheels” where she talks about her life experiences. Motherhood can be hard for any woman, but for Shannon it was difficult because as she states in her memoir, “I have been confined to a wheelchair since well before the birth of my first child.” She explained, during a time when “I could not find any documentation on the subject, so I decided to write about my experiences in blog form, with the hopes that someone else in a similar situation might find it helpful,” Shannon says in her book. She has paved the way with her new autobiography, writing it for anyone who is in a wheelchair, telling her story going through motherhood.

For Shannon and her husband, Chris, it was a saving grace in 1998 when they found the baby brand Babee Tenda which made wheelchair friendly cribs and highchairs, before they went out of business. Upon conquering hardships in a wheelchair Shannon wants to encourage everybody to “overcome obstacles no matter the issue in the whole world.” This book is wheelchair parenting 101 and a positive resource for anyone who is in a wheelchair or mothering in difficult times.

Shannon shared that through this writing process she has found more healing, learned that she can be very expressive, and likes to help people with similar issues. The hope for readers to take away from her book she said is to find perseverance, resilience in the meaning of life, and power through with a little bit of determination and have a lot of Christian faith. From having the opportunity to meet and talk with Shannon myself I can say that she has overcome more than one’s fair share of obstacles and still has a positive outlook with her ability to give others encouragement that in any situation you can make it work.

So far, Shannon has received wonderful feedback and she said it feels so rewarding because it can be hard to be so transparent. You can get your own copy of “Make it Work: Moms on Wheels” on Amazon. Follow Shannon’s journey on Facebook at Make It Work and on Instagram at makeitworkwcparenting. Truly a tale of one woman’s remarkable life story.