Carole Boulton
In Loving Memory of Beloved Wife, Sister, Mother and Grandmother
Carole was born December 13, 1943, in Detroit Michigan to Arthur W and Ethel Carstens. On January 27, 2022 Carole passed away peacefully at Age 78 years, 1 month, 14 days after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s.
Carole was predeceased by her Father and Mother Arthur and Ethel Carstens and Granddaughter Kate Elizabeth Boulton.
Carole is survived by Husband John B Boulton, Sister Kay Janet Carstens, Children son Matthew (Tammy), daughter Elizabeth (Jamie Peters), son Michael (Laura), daughter Sarah-Sally, daughter Lisa, son Jonathan (India), son Christopher, daughter Hannah, son Rane, daughter Maggie, son Joshua and Grandchildren Madison, Drew, Emma, Jane, Jack, Sarah, Thomas, Austin, Aiden, Henry and Chase
As children Carole and her older sister Kay Janet Carstens excelled in school at Flint and Eaton Rapids Michigan and both attended Michigan State University. Carole participated in 4H with her Brown Swiss Cow named Brownie whom she adored and won Grand Champion Ribbons with at the Eaton Rapids County 4H Fair. Carole expressed many times to family and friends her pride for having won awards but sadly and quite amusingly it is only after her death we have learned from her best childhood friend Jane Sprague she could not share keepsakes from this memory because her cow had eaten the ribbons.
While attending Michigan State University Carole met and married husband John Berry Boulton at St. Dunstan’s Chapel in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. After the ceremony, the newlyweds moved to Lawrence, Kansas in 1964 where her husband John became a Music Professor at The University of Kansas. Over the next 20 years Carole and John’s non-traditional family grew through domestic and international adoptions with a total of 11 children.
Carole was admired for her ability to raise, nurture and instill good character and values in her children. Carole cherished classical music and was a music student and teacher for most of her life. At the age of 50, after years of playing flute she took on the challenge of learning cello which she mastered and enjoyed playing in various chamber ensembles and in the Topeka Symphony. She was an avid supporter of many arts programs locally and throughout the State of Kansas.
Carole loved nature and enjoyed gardening and proudly displayed flower arrangements and prepared meals from her own gardens. She also enjoyed outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing, kayaking, skiing, camping and included the whole family in her outdoor adventures. Carole filled her home with books and music and her children’s closets with secondhand clothes from Animal Crackers her new and used clothing store in Lawrence for 20+ years.
Carole and her husband John have been long-time members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lawrence. UUCL Congregation members have shared stories of Carole’s compassionate, nurturing and generous ways with our family, and we appreciate their sentiments. She was gracious and her receptions after UUCL Sunday concerts were often the highlight as she was a wonderful cook and baker. Carole was also an active participant with Master Food Volunteers of Lawrence for years.
Alzheimer’s disease stole memories and abilities and we have been saying goodbye to our wife, mother, and grandmother we loved slowly for years, and with her passing we can now say our final farewell. Carole had limitless energy and limitless love for her family, friends and pets, and we will cherish the memories that she has given us all. She will be forever missed.
A memorial bench and tree will be dedicated in memory of Carole Diana Boulton at a Celebration of Life ceremony at the Lawrence, Kansas Rotary Arboretum at 3:00 p.m. Sunday April 24, 2022.