Trevor Robert Carr
With broken hearts we are informing those whose lives were touched by him, of the passing of Trevor Robert Carr of Grand Ledge, MI on Friday, February 10, 2023, at the age of 45. Trevor passed suddenly and peacefully after a short illness at McLaren Greater Lansing Hospital. Trevor was born on January 26, 1978, in Southfield, MA. He graduated high school from Oliver Wolcott Technical School in Torrington, CT and grew up in East Hartland, CT. Trevor served his country in the Marine Corps from 1997-2004. He held a position in Aviation Ordinance and was an expert in rifle and pistol. He was a strong supporter of the Constitution and the second amendment and was, shall we say, vocal about those beliefs when pressed.
Upon discharge from the Marines, Trevor then moved to Michigan where he married the love of his life, Amanda, and became the adoring father of his beloved, now 14-year-old son, Joe. Trevor utilized the skills learned in technical school and honed in the military to eventually run his own plumbing business. He was mentored by his friend and colleague Gregg Hayes whom he spoke of with great admiration.
Trevor was the salt of the earth and ran his business the way he lived his life; with great honor, integrity, and kindess. Everyone he met was touched by his gentle and compassionate nature and as a result, many customers soon became friends. Once a friend, always a friend. Like his father, anyone lucky enough to have Trevor in their lives knew that they had a friend for life who would do anything for them, big or small. But first and foremost he was a dedicated family man who always put the needs of his wife and son before his own.
Trevor leaves behind, to mourn his loss, his wife of 19 years, Amanda (Gibson) Carr; his cherished son, Joe; mother, Josephine (Jenks) Carr; in-laws, Tom and Martha Gibson; uncle, Edwin (Barbara) Carr; aunt, Marion (Glenn) McIntyre. He was preceded in death by his dad and best friend, Joe on February 2, 2012, and never stopped missing him.
We feel we must share with you Trevor’s favorite saying which he voiced many, many times. “Common sense is an uncommon virtue.” – often times, he was right on point!
A Celebration of Trevor’s life will be held in the spring of 2023. The family is in the care of Pray Funeral Home in Charlotte, MI.