Anne Pease would be the first to tell you it takes a tremendous team effort to pull off the Eaton County 4-H Fair each year. On Tuesday, July 12, Pease was recognized for being an integral part of that team as she was named the 2015 Emerald Award recipient.
“This recipient is so valuable that I’m going to take a little more time than normal,” said Mona Ellard, former Eaton County MSU Extension director, who presented Pease with the award. “For 29 years, she has given leadership in helping to support 4-H opportunities for kids to grow and prosper in a very safe environment. This 4-H Fair could not be possible without the work of this individual. Anne has really been the glue to our 4-H program over the years.”
Pease has worked with Eaton County MSU Extension and served as the Eaton County 4-H program coordinator for a number of years, working mostly behind the scenes. She has adapted to a number of transitions in the program and currently serves as the MSU Extension office manager in Eaton County.
Her involvement in the fair also extends to her own family and those her children have participate with throughout the years.
“She has been involved as a parent, supporting her three kids at the fair,” Ellard said. “We really applaud the parents that get engaged with their kids and other kids in their 4-H Club.”
Ellard said Pease is the go to person for Eaton County MSU Extension having to know everything involved with MSU Extension, which extends well beyond the 4-H Fair.
“There’s no way I would be up here if it weren’t for all of the 4-H leaders, parents and members that helped me to get to this point,” Pease said in accepting the award. “It took a team effort to get to where I’m at. I appreciate everyone for this recognition.”
The Emerald Award is presented annually to an individual to recognize the outstanding volunteers who work on behalf of local youth during the Eaton County Fair.
Anne Pease receives 4-H Fair’s prestigious Emerald Award