Knowing all too well the sacrifices the officers in her department are willing to make on a daily basis, Charlotte Police Chief Lisa Sherman presented several members of her department with commendations for service during the Monday, April 11 Charlotte City Council meeting.
“The general public does not fully understand the dedication that these individuals have for their agency and community,” said Charlotte Police Chief Lisa Sherman. “It is important to find a way within our culture, within our family to show the appreciation for the important and selfless work done by the officers each and every day.”
Life Saving Awards were given to Sgt. James Falk, Officer Matthew Castle, Officer Jeremy Poortvliet and Officer Justin Bahm.
A Police Commendation was given to officer Poortvliet for his dedicated work in the investigation of an armed robbery that took place at Pizza Hut in Charlotte. Poortvliet located the suspect’s vehicle, which led to evidence that eventually led to the apprehension and prosecution of the perpetrator, Sherman said.
Unit Citations were given to Sgt. Falk, Sgt. Paul Brentar, Officer Castle, Officer Poortvliet, officer Bahm and Sgt. Jeremy Hafner. Unit Citations are given to officers who work as a team towards investigations that have made the community a safer place to live, Sherman said.
Hafner and detective James Beal were presented with the Mayor’s Award. Sgt. Hafner was awarded for his leadership in guiding the department through its state audit. Detective Beal was awarded for his 25 years of service and his unwavering support of the department and community.
“More negatives than positives face each officer every day; more risks than rewards that anyone else might know,” Sherman said. “Yet, they show up, they work hard and they give all in the community a better place to live, work and visit.”
Lastly, Sherman recognized Sgt. Paul Montague for his years of service to the department. Montague retired this past week from the department after 26 ½ years of service. Montague had received several commendations during his years of service to the department.
“We will have large shoes to fill,” Sherman said of Montague’s departure. “I am confident the officers you see before you today will rise to the challenge and continue to make us proud to be Charlotte Police Officers.”
Montague also received a special proclamation from Mayor Tim Lewis.
“The citizens of the City of Charlotte are very appreciative of everything you’ve done and all of your efforts to keep the community safe,” Lewis told Montague prior to presenting him with the proclamation.
CPS Officers honored publicly for service to community