Walking into The Hall in downtown Charlotte last Thursday, Sept. 22, I was immediately impressed. The room was full of people bursting with excitement. They were all anticipating what #CharlotteRising had deemed its “Halftime Celebration.”
There was much to celebrate and many there to cheer on the accomplishments of this movement that has taken shape in just a few short months. I think what impressed me most is that I didn’t immediately know everyone in the room. In my position with the newspaper I go to a lot of community events, a lot of planning and visioning sessions and “town hall” meetings. Most of the time I see the same faces in the same places.
This time, however, was different, which is encouraging.
Because, where this organization, and ultimately the community, goes next is up to all of us in this community. Charlotte cannot continue to rise without buy in from all corners of the community. The momentum must continue, and in order to do so, we must make sure there are people in the boat ready to row in the same direction.
Getting involved has never been easier. The doors to several different “action teams” have busted open, waiting for people to step through and step up for their community. The action teams include Organization, Design, Economic Vitality and Promotion.
The Organization Action Team is chaired by Yvonne Ridge and Barbara Fulton and was developed with the purpose of gathering resources, both human and financial to help. If you would like to learn more about the Organization Action Team, email yridge@charlottemi.org.
The Design Action Team is chaired by Bryan Myrkle and was developed with the purpose of preserving historic resource and enhance the visual quality of the downtown district. If you would like to learn more about the Design Action Team, email bmyrkle@charlottemi.org.
The Economic Vitality Action Team is chaired by Garrett Bensinger and was developed with the purpose of strengthening economic assets while diversifying our economic base. If you would like to learn more about the Economic Vitality Action Team, email GBensing@ibcp.com.
The Promotions Action Team is chaired by Jason Vanderstelt and Darice Darling and was developed with the purpose of creating a positive image of the community that attracts customers, investors, and residents, as well as rekindles community pride. If you would like to learn more about the Promotions Action Team, email ddarling@hgbhealth.com.
Participation in any or all of the four action teams is vital to the success of the community in demonstrating its value as a Michigan Main Street community. #CharlotteRising will submit its application to be selected as a Main Street Select community this December. The application process is very competitive as only three communities are selected each year.
Becoming a Main Street community was one of the action items listed in Charlotte’s Project Rising Tide Action plan aimed at revitalizing the city’s downtown. The organizational structure is in place. All that is needed now is community participation.
How high can Charlotte rise? The answer lies within you