Those that braved the cold and rain Tuesday, May 5 were fortunate to find a pavilion waiting to provide shelter for the ground-breaking ceremony for what will be an improved Maplewood School.
“Today, as we commemorate the remodeling of this fine elementary building, we are on a mission to reinvent our schools; not only on the outside of the building but on the inside of these walls,” said Maple Valley Schools Superintendent Michelle Falcon to a small gathering of school officials and construction representatives. “On behalf of the Board of Education and the staff of Maple Valley Schools, I would like to thank the taxpayers for supporting the bond project.”
Voters in the Maple Valley School district approved an $18 million bond proposal in May of 2014. The reopening of Maplewood School was a key component of the bond, which also includes plans to enhance student safety, including secure entries at each building, improved exterior and emergency lighting, security cameras and properly locking doors. Another 24 percent of the bond will be used to replace the boilers at Fuller Street Elementary and add energy-efficient doors and windows throughout the district. Twenty percent of the bond will replace leaking roofs and pipes in the district. The final 17 percent of the bond will upgrade and expand the district’s technology, including adding classroom computers, expanding the district’s wireless technology infrastructure and adding a science lab at the high school.
“As you all know it takes a village to raise a child and in our case two villages,” Falcon said. “With this project we will be able to support children ages 3 and 4 in our Great Start Readiness Program. Also, with our additional space we will be able to explore more hands on learning opportunities for all students. Already we are seeing growth with our early childhood enrollments. This is promising for the future of our district.”
Construction at Maplewood School, which will house third through sixth grade students, is scheduled for completion mid-summer.
Maplewood School renovations underway