Mikaela Blivens
Contributing Writer

(Photo Provided)

Eaton Rapids Community Christian Church began as an in-home bible study led by the late Rev. Stephen Klink in 1982. He had worked at General Motors when he realized his calling to spread the word of God. With the support of his wife, Klink left his position at General Motors to go to school at Great Lakes Christian College where he studied the ministry. Klink’s bible study developed into a church when he started to rent the gym at the Union Street Elementary School in 1983. One year later, the church moved to renting the Seventh-Day Adventist church on M-99 on Sundays. The church continued renting for some time until they finally purchased their own property in 1987 on Knight Street Currently, the church is standing at 2487 S. Michigan Rd where it has stood since 2014.

Joy Klink’s voice swells with pride as she speaks about her late husband. Rev. Klink was not only loved by her, he was much loved by everyone around him. This is likely because he was incredibly kind and gracious. Klink was a true man of God. He used to say: “This was not my home. I was only passing through.” When he passed away in 2020, he went home to God. During his lifetime, he accepted everybody and ministered to hundreds of people. He forgave easily because he understood what it was like to be forgiven. He used to say that it was his job as a Christian to love.

Over forty years later, Klink’s legacy continues on today through his church. The church’s mission statement is: to believe in Jesus’ love and grace. The church is non-denominational with no dress-code, rules, or regulations. Everyone is welcome and accepted.

Eaton Rapids Community Christian Church holds a service every Sunday led by Rev. Patricia Lankton; all are welcome to come and worship. The church provides multiple resources for the community. The first Sunday of every month, the church hosts a potluck in which guests are encouraged to bring a dish to pass if able. If unable to bring a dish, please still attend. There is always plenty of food to go around. The church holds a bible study every other Wednesday at 6 p.m. in their conference room. The church also holds an Al-Anon meeting every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Lankton had this to say about the program: “Al-Anon members are people, just like you, who are worried about someone with a drinking problem. Family members have the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others who have faced similar problems.”

More information about the church can be found at www.eatonrapidscommunitychristianchurch.com and www.facebook.com/communitychristianchurchofER.